Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Setup
Why are my arenas not working?
Make sure that your spawn/lobby and arenas are in the world "world"
How do I setup the event maps?
We will answer that soon
Custom Tablist & Arena Copies
When using the Custom Tablist, I have some errors...
Make sure you're using:
When using the Arena Manager to create copies, I have errors...
Make sure you're using:
1.8.8 Spigot, or any supported fork
Regarding PlaceholderAPI
Does cPractice provide any placeholders for PlaceholderAPI?
No, it doesn't yet.
Does cPractice support PlaceholderAPI?
No, it doesn't either.
Available cPractice placeholders for PlaceholderAPI:
Can cPractice be 100% customized?
Kind of. Customization has a limit, as with any publicly available (Both Free & Paid) practice plugin, so there's some technical bumps that currently don't allow cPractice to be 100% configurable, though we are trying.
That being said, about 85% ~ 90% of cPractice can be customized.
Suggestions and Bug Reports
Last updated