Creating an Arena
Here's how to create an Arena
Creating an Arena
How to create arenas in cPractice.
To get an arena wand, execute the following command. This will be needed later on, to setup the arena. `/arena wand`
You NEED to use the wand, and left click it in the first corner, and to right click with it on the second corner.
Go to the opposite corners. Left Click the first corner. Right Click the second one (make sure that the corners are in the opposite directions, both vertically, and horizontally).
Do '/arena create <arena_name> <arena_type> ' Replace '<arena_name>' with the arena name you'd like, and '<arena_type>' with either 'SHARED' or 'STANDALONE'. Here are the differences between them: - ---- Shared arenas are for non-build kit arenas such as boxing arenas or NoDebuff arenas. Over 1000 people can use the same arena. - Standalone arenas are intended for use with build arenas like BuildUHC or Classic arenas. There can only be one fight at a time in a standalone arena.
Enter the command '/arena setspawn <arena_name> <team/color> '. If it's a standalone arena, use colors along with teams (Red / Blue, A/B). If it's a shared arena, only use teams (A/B). Don't forget that '<arena_name>' should be replaced with the arena name, and '<team_color>' should be replaced with either 'A', 'B', 'Red', or 'Blue', like said above!
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